I’ll have to start with a quick history lesson or none of this will make sense. So, here goes…

Scouting was founded in 1907 by Lord Robert Baden-Powell (known within the movement as ‘B-P’), who carried out an experimental camp on Brownsea Island off the coast of Poole, Dorset. Little did he know that just over a century later his vision would span the globe, providing over 50 million young people and volunteers with #skillsforlife!

So what is Founder’s Day? B-P was born on 22nd February 1857, so on his birthday every year the Scouting movement shows gratitude towards others who have made a difference to their lives. This year, things are a little bit different, so The Scout Association is setting a challenge for all its members (young people, leaders and family members) to #ThankTwo – that is,

“…show your gratitude and thank two people and/or groups of people. These people can be fellow members who’ve kept Scouting despite the setbacks, volunteers who’ve organised Scouts meetings, and/or heroes of your local community.”


I really want to thank all the adult volunteers involved in 1st Stone, who make my job a whole lot easier with their support and advice. I also want to thank all the young people who have shown such resilience and determination during what has been an incredibly strange and difficult year.

So join us in saying “Thank You” to two people or groups who have made a difference to your life. Visit The Scout Association website for ideas and activities and get involved!

Kerry, GSL


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