“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”

Elizabeth Andrew

This quote popped into my head this morning while I was driving my little one to playgroup.  It is a quote I feature on my Facebook profile as it rings true, for me and for perhaps every volunteer across the world.

You’ll probably find that the vast majority of adults who volunteer with youth organisations like Scouting, were once a youth member of those organisations themselves.  That is certainly the case for me and for several of the wonderful leaders in our group and Stone District. 

Youth organisations, like so many other organisations, are facing a shortage of volunteers – those individuals willing and able to give their time to help provide amazing opportunities for our young people. Scouting is no exception. Our youth membership is sky rocketing since returning to face-to-face scouting and our waiting lists are longer than ever, but we can’t accept any more members without the adult volunteers to help!

Thinking about volunteering with Scouts?  Why not take this short quiz to find out what role might suit you tinyurl.com/mvdr552f and visit our Volunteer page to see what roles we have available.

Quiz: tinyurl.com/mvdr552f

1st Stone Volunteer Roles: firststonescouts.org.uk/volunteer

You never know, you might enjoy it!

Find out what Ed Stafford, Explorer and Scout Ambassador has to say about volunteering with The Scout Association:


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